Urban League Moments: Brenda McDuffie
This week, we launched our report card on state education plans at an event in Washington, DC: Equity and Excellence: A Lens on ESSA State Plans. Among the guests was Brenda McDuffie, President and CEO of the Buffalo Urban League. McDuffie joined other Urban League leaders and education experts who were in the room to learn about our findings and recommendations for more equitable schools across the country.
She shared the following:
Now that this event is over, how is your community doing?
My community is doing ok, but we have to do excellent because that’s what it will take to get to equity. What this conversation did today, is keep it in the forefront by having not only a report card about our card, but a report on what we’re doing across the nation. It’s about every every child and every single community where we have inequity and closing the gaps.
Agreed! Check out the report card here and watch the full video of the event here.