ACT NOW: Roe v. Wade

Nat'l Urban League
6 min readJun 24, 2022


The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. This is an incredibly dark, tragic moment for our nation and a major step in the wrong direction.

Take action! Join the National Urban League and the Urban League Movement to activate on social media today (Friday, June 24 at 3PM Eastern).

Share the below graphic (right click to save or press down to download) and message on your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

Express your disappointment AND urge this country’s leadership to take immediate action.

I’m devastated by the #SupremeCourt’s decision to overturn #RoeVWade. This ban will put Black women in particular danger.

We must act.

🚨 Text PROTECTCHOICENOW to 52886 or visit to demand action from Congress! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou

The fight ahead is long. Use and share this toolkit to get up to speed on the Supreme Court’s decision, what it means for you and your community, and what you can do to demand change.

NUL Codify Abortion Rights Advocacy Toolkit

Active Campaign: OngoingPOINTS OF CONTACT: Campaign/ event questions & support:


The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling for the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case has effectively overruled the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which has protected the right to an abortion for almost 50 years! With this decision, it is estimated that at least 23 states and U.S. territories will immediately ban abortions. Women in these states could be forced to either continue a pregnancy against their wishes, travel to another state where services are legal, or obtain services by illegal means…we believe this is no choice for women in this country!

To address this, the Women’s Health Protection Act was introduced in Congress in 2021 and 2022 to codify the right to an abortion as law throughout the United States. On both occasions, the bill passed the House of Representatives, yet failed to move forward in the Senate because of an arcane procedural rule called the filibuster, which blocked the bill from receiving an “up” or “down” vote. This same rule has been used throughout our nation’s history to block civil rights legislation.

Had the Women’s Health Protection Act passed, it would have made the right to an abortion federal law and removed medically unnecessary barriers some states have implemented to make access to these services more difficult. We know these barriers directly and disproportionately harm Black and other women of color, women with disabilities, transgender persons, women in rural areas, young women, immigrants, and those having difficulty making ends meet.


  • The National Urban League believes abortion rights is a civil rights issue. Laws that limit abortion access infringe upon the civil liberties of women to make decisions about their own bodies and family planning.
  • The Supreme Court’s decision on abortion is concerning because it may cause a “domino effect” that threatens other judicial decisions targeted by an extreme conservative wing of this nation — decisions that protect individual freedom and civil rights under the 14th amendment including the right to privacy concerning consensual sexual activity, affirmative action, LGBTQ+ rights including same sex marriage, access to contraception, interracial marriage and more.
  • Restrictive abortion laws disproportionately impact Black and other women of color, low-income individuals, persons with disabilities, and immigrants who have historically been — and continue to be — disproportionately impacted by medical discrimination, bias, and other disparities surrounding issues of birth.
  • History has proven, bans on abortion DO NOT stop women from having abortions. Instead, it will end safe abortions and it will force many women to make unsafe choices that could put their health, freedom, and lives in danger.
  • Abortion is healthcare, and at a time when we are still grappling with unequal access to and outcomes from healthcare — especially for Black women, who are 2.5 times more likely to die from childbirth than White women — it is extremely dangerous to revoke access to life-saving medical treatment like abortion.



JOIN US on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 3pm ET for a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram SOCIAL MEDIA STORM!

  • MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Use our graphics and selected posts to express your frustration and raise awareness on social media about the Supreme Court’s abortion decision and the detrimental impact it will have on Black, Brown, and low-income communities!
  • Text keyword “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 to send a clear message to your Members of Congress that WE WON’T GO BACK and they must work and pass legislation that codifies abortion as a right!

Link to campaign:

Text keyword to campaign: “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886


@nulpolicy (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram)
@naturbanleague (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)


#ProtectChoiceNow ✊🏾


  • Reproductive rights IS civil rights! Abortion bans disproportionately impact Black, Brown and low-wealth people! Text “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 to demand action from Congress! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • This will NOT end with abortion rights!!! Overturning Roe threatens LGBTQ+ rights, interracial marriage, affirmative action, access to contraceptives…AND MORE! Text “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 to demand action from Congress! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • Abortion bans WILL NOT end abortions, they will end SAFE and LEGAL abortions! We must protect women! Text “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 and tell Congress to take action NOW! #WeFightForFREEDOM
  • Now that Supreme Court has overturned Roe, use this tool to learn more about the status of abortion rights in your state: #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • EVERYONE deserves access to safe + legal reproductive services and the right to make decisions about their bodies and family planning! Urge Congress to pass legislation to Protect Choice Now! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • States have enacted more abortion restrictions in 2021 than in any year since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Protect women’s right to control their bodies. It’s time for Congress to ACT and codify abortion rights! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • Women know what’s best for their bodies and lives. Restrictive abortion laws threaten the health and well-being of women and children. Text “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 to let Congress know! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • Nearly 90% of US counties lack even a single abortion provider. Text “PROTECTCHOICENOW” to 52886 to let Congress know that the right to abortion isn’t real if only certain people can access it! #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou
  • With Roe overruled, some people will have to travel over 1000 miles round trip to reach an abortion provider! Tell Congress: The right to abortion isn’t real if only certain people can access it. #WeFightForFREEDOM #UrbanLeagueFightsForYou








Nat'l Urban League
Nat'l Urban League

Written by Nat'l Urban League

National Urban League is the nation's largest historic civil rights & urban advocacy organization, devoted to empowering communities & changing lives since 1910

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